The Meridian Centre: Offering Therapeutic Services to Support Wellbeing
At The Meridian Centre we offer a range of services to support a persons emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. We believe that supporting a person holistically offers the best and most effective support to improve wellbeing. We therefore offer therapeutic services to support wellbeing that include counselling, mindfulness, massage, Yoga and exercise groups. We are committed to working with our local community to provide support that is wanted and needed within the local and surrounding area of Billesley, and also within the wider areas of the West Midlands. We also offer therapeutic support online and so can work with people that are based anywhere within the UK. If you would like to have a look at the therapeutic services that we offer please have a look through our website or feel free to contact us.
To meet the needs of the local community we connect with local NHS services including GP’s and Community Mental Health Services, and local charities including The Active Wellbeing Society to ensure that we are aware of and can support local services. If you are an organisation that would like to connect please contact us to see how we can support each other.

Counselling and Psychotherapy




Room Hire for Services that Support Good Health and Happiness
At The Meridian Centre we have a selection of rooms of different sizes that can be rented either on an Ad Hoc or regular basis for individuals and organisations that offer services to support health and wellbeing. Our rooms accommodate 1:1, couples or family support and our studio is suitable 6-8 people to participate in movement based groups and for up to 20 people for seated groups such as workshops or seminars. Please do get in touch with us if you would like to find out more about costs and availability.
The Meridian Centre, based at 834 Yardley Wood Road, Billesley, Birmingham, B13 0JE, is easy to access, has parking, a wheelchair accessible reception, toilet, main studio and ramp accessible downstairs treatment room.
Based in Birmingham in the West Midlands we also offer online therapy for those residing throughout the UK