Being Mindful means being in the present moment, fully present, aware of what is happening around and within us. We all have the ability to be mindful and in fact we can usually observe mindfulness in the way that young children interact with their environment, in the moment and interested in their surroundings. As we get older, we can forget how to be mindful and spend a lot of time thinking about the past, or worrying about the future, and this can lead to lower levels of enjoyment, low mood, anxiety and stress.
Mindfulness at the Meridian Centre includes meditations, gentle yoga based mindful movement, and education about living mindfully.
Sessions are split into 3 sections where you will learn the following: Breathing exercises, different meditation techniques and stretches to aid relaxation.

Mindfulness Classes :
Tuesday: 11.15-12-15 for adults
12.30-1.30pm for teenagers
6-7 pm for adults this includes a monthly yoga Nidra and Northern Lights on the first Tuesday of each month
Wednesday 4.30-5.30pm for children
Cost: £10 [£5 reduced rate]
Benefits: Reduces anxiety, helps to manage anger, helps to let go of negative thoughts, increases focus, helps to manage panic attacks, lifts mood, helps to cope with depression, relaxes, clears the mind, helps to promote good sleeping.
Bring: A yoga mat and blanket [there are some to borrow if you need to].
Wear: Comfortable, warm clothes and thick socks.